Facebook Group

I already mentioned it, but I repeat myself! I received several emails with comments, requests, etc. So the idea sprouted to finally arrive with the opening of my free Facebook Group Ordre vs Désordre.

How will this group consist? Well, although I love emails, some of the answers, though personal and individual, would have been beneficial to everyone. So the opening of this Group will allow all its members to ask me questions about organization, how to be structured, how to be well planned, the best systems, etiquette, and I will be listening and I will answer but if some have ideas, they are welcome to put their grains of salt! Thus, we will be able to communicate.

In the near future, I will be able to submit tips and tricks, questions, ideas, video, photo, etc., or ask for yours. So we can communicate on a given subject.

There are no bad questions, no judgment, no hypocrisy.

I want to know what exasperates you in order to help you be better organized, plan, structure in business or at home.

Hope to talk to you soon,

xoxo   Anick

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